Sunday, August 21, 2011


Saturday August 20, 2011 --  We all gathered at Luigi's parking lot for our raid on East Texas.  There was junk to be found and we were goin' to find it.  We headed out at about 9:30 am and we had a nice cool morning of about 89 degrees.  Sun shining, six gals junkin', what could be better?

Our first stop was the flea market in Mt. Pleasant.  The back end of the flea market is not air conditioned, but we plowed ahead in spite of the dampness of our armpits.

Misty with the first purchase of the day
a big old lady vintage nightgown. 
We might use this for advertizing in some way
but we'll figure that out later.

Judy bought a vintage baby crib, several needless junky items, ratty black feather boas and stuff she refers to as thingies, whatever those are.

Judy paying for the flea market items.  After taking the photo I walked away.
I couldn't be a part of the "I know the crib is $20.00 but will you take $6.00?"
You and I would have to pay the $20.00, Judy will get it for $6.00.  I don't know why either!
Temperature now at 98 dedgees!

Here we are at Cackleberry's, a junk shop northwest of Mt. Pleasant

Front row:  Patricia, Nikki and Michele
Back row:  Judy, Misty and Pat
Temperature now at 102 degrees

We left Cackleberry's and had lunch at Blalock's BBQ.  When we drove back through Mt. Pleasant the bank said it was 105 degrees.  Did this daunt our junkin' ladies?  I don't know about four of them but Pat and I were seeing mirages and sweating rivers.  Pat and I left for the air conditioning of home and the rest of the bunch delved into the Bargain Barn that used to be an oil and lube shop. So no air conditioning in sight.

Hopefully it will become cooler as the year progresses.  If not, the Texas Junkin' Ladies might become Canadians.


  1. Sweatin' to the oldies takes on a new meaning. Oh, we were the sweatin' oldies.

  2. First Sale of the, the vintage night dress was GREAT! I am still gathering items for the rendezvous the weekend of Oct 15th in Grapeland, Texas! Sure hope these temps come way down by then!!

    Another Great day of JUNKIN'!
