Judy is our winner, she bought four goblets for $10.00 each at our first estate sale and found they are selling for over a $100.00 each on Ebay.
Pat came back from vacation at Tenkiller Lake in Oklahoma with an arthritis remedy. You take a pound of white (golden) raisins and cover them with two cups of gin in a glass container. Wait ten days or until all the gin is absorbed and then you are to eat nine raisins a day. Here is what I emailed her late last evening:
email dated 7/22
OK Pat, here's what ole Nikki did. I took the gin and made a wee little toddy while I explained
the arthritis remedy to Charlie. After he laughed until his coke came out of his nose, I made
myself another little toddy.
This is when I mixed up the gin and the raisins and put them in a glass jar with Saran wrap
over the top. I made myself another little drinky poo. Damn, that gin is sure smooth......
I stirred those shrivelled up little crappy raisins sitting in that marvelous gin...........but I
can't seems to get the Saran wrap straightened out to put back over the top......who gives
a rat's ass................
Pat, you know what's good? Drinking the gin straight out of the jar. I think it has somethen
to doo with the crappy rasons. I swallored the Sraon wrap, but Chalie did the hindlick
on me and out poopped th sarah wrap. I'm all better now, but I think I;m gettin sick.
Good idee you ahd Pat. But I caint feel lmy nose, it's gone. somebodie took my noze. O
god whatt wil i do?????
yur budie,
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