Four of the Junkin' Ladies had an all day run to Longview, Texas. We took in two estate sales, two thrift stores and checked out a new shop that is in the process of opening up. We wanted to see if we could put some of our finds there, but the spaces were too small for an adequate amount of junk from the 6 Texas Junkin' Ladies.
Judy is our winner, she bought four goblets for $10.00 each at our first estate sale and found they are selling for over a $100.00 each on Ebay.
Pat came back from vacation at Tenkiller Lake in Oklahoma with an arthritis remedy. You take a pound of white (golden) raisins and cover them with two cups of gin in a glass container. Wait ten days or until all the gin is absorbed and then you are to eat nine raisins a day. Here is what I emailed her late last evening:
email dated 7/22
OK Pat, here's what ole Nikki did. I took the gin and made a wee little toddy while I explained
the arthritis remedy to Charlie. After he laughed until his coke came out of his nose, I made
myself another little toddy.
This is when I mixed up the gin and the raisins and put them in a glass jar with Saran wrap
over the top. I made myself another little drinky poo. Damn, that gin is sure smooth......
I stirred those shrivelled up little crappy raisins sitting in that marvelous gin...........but I
can't seems to get the Saran wrap straightened out to put back over the top......who gives
a rat's ass................
Pat, you know what's good? Drinking the gin straight out of the jar. I think it has somethen
to doo with the crappy rasons. I swallored the Sraon wrap, but Chalie did the hindlick
on me and out poopped th sarah wrap. I'm all better now, but I think I;m gettin sick.
Good idee you ahd Pat. But I caint feel lmy nose, it's gone. somebodie took my noze. O
god whatt wil i do?????
yur budie,