Saturday, October 29, 2011


October 31, will find the Texas Junkin' Ladies in front of Jack's, passing out candy to all the roaming hoards of goblins and ghosties, downtown Pittsburg.

 The city of Pittsburg puts on a Halloween Night where the businesses pass out candy.  This keeps the monsters off the streets and gives the downtown businesses an opportunity to mingle with the locals.  Stop by Jack's and we'll give you a piece of candy.  Of course, dusting all the glass decor in Jack's might get you a Tootsie Roll Pop.  Kids get treats for free, adults have to work.

On November 5, Misty and Patricia are going to Washington, Arkansas for the Civil War Reenactment. 

 An $8.00 entry fee will give you all day entertainment which includes a tour of homes as well as a battle reenactment.

November 10th, Thursday, is Pittsburg's "Downtown Alive" night.  From 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, all the businesses will be open, each offering something a little different.  Jack's will be giving complimentary
"Hand Spas" for the ladies.  While in Jack's they will get an opportunity to see all the items the Texas Junkin' Ladies are offering.  

 December 12, the Texas Junkin' Ladies are going to the Candle Light Home Tour in Jefferson, Texas.  They say Jefferson is a haunted town and you know the great Texas Motto  "Don't Mess With Texas Ghosts"?  It's true.

This site will give you information on tickets, etc.

December 10, Mike and Patricia will have a Redneck Costume Party.  Ron and Shane will be providing live music.  Patricia says to bring a white elephant gift, something obtained from one of our Junkin' trips (we have a lot of that crap).  She also said the menu for the party will be our all time favorites, Spam, saltines, sardines, boudin balls, viennas and Moonpies.

I'm gettin' hungry just typing this blog. YUM!

Patricia said to BYOU (bring your own utensils).  Those ratty thin paper plates, plastic knife, fork and spoon.  The handouts you've been collecting from McDonald's--packets of salt, pepper, and ketchup.  Styrofoam Big Gulp cups, straws and bring along those Burger King crowns you've collected over the years.

Anything else comes up I'll be sure and let you know.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The Texas Junkin' Ladies are proud to announce the addition of Kellye Hubbell.  She will give our group plenty of class and knowledge.  Kellye has had antique booths in Jefferson, Texas and Winnsboro, Texas.  She is also an Interior Designer in Houston, Texas.  Kellye brings years of experience and a keen eye for those 'must haves' everyone is looking for.  We are so excited, she is the a prize and we are so glad to have her as one of the Texas Junkin' Ladies.  

I wonder if Kellye knows she has to wear a hat for our junkin' trips?  I wonder if Kellye knows she has to fit in Judy's SUV with six other Junkin Ladies (where one or two might be a bit gaseous), plus a full grown wire reindeer, a complete plastic nativity scene, assorted tables, chairs and manniquins?  I wonder if she knows she will have to carry the breakables in her lap and I wonder if she cares that Mexican food is our food of choice?

Let's not tell her until later, much later!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


The docorators in our bunch have been hard at it getting our window decorated for Halloween.  We have entered a city wide contest and judging will be held before Halloween.  October is Breast Cancer month and the City of Pittsburg and the business owners are painting Pittsburg PINK!  The business owners are decorating their windows "Pink-o-ween".  The best "Pink-o-Ween" window wins.

Our resident witch.

Bony and his gourdhead ghost friends

Flowerpot Witch

Witches boots and suitcase.

The Texas Junkin' Ladies are proud to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month and want you all to remember to make those mammogram appointments.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


     Tabitha Ballard is Patricia's daughter and Tabitha has joined us at Jack's in Pittsburg.  Her artistic talent, and her wonderful baking has given our group a lot of class.  She does wedding and custom made cakes.

     Let Tabitha put her talents to work for you.  Call or email her with your requests.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


     Every now and then we stumble across an item that has made a resurgence in popularity.  We all know how popular Pyrex bowls and casserole dishes have become, expecially since we have all gotten rid of our colleciton way back at that miserable garage sale in '83.  Why keep breakable USA made bowls when we can get plastic bowls from Taiwan sold at K-Mart?  No doubt the lady that bought all those Pryex bowls is now laughing her head off. (the putz)
     Two years ago, my aunt gave me her Christmas ornaments and lights.  She is 83 and no longer puts up a tree.  Within this assortment of ornaments was one of those Elves with bended knees.  They are called Shelf Elves, because they sit perfectly on the mantle or table.  All of them were made in Japan and were sold about the early 1950's and 1960's.  I remember we had one when I grew up, but as with all of the family ornaments they were thrown out when Mother obtained that ghastly aluminum Christmas tree with the revolving colored lights, which never had the aroma of balsam.
     I looked up Shelf Elves on Ebay and 'Who Knew?'  These little guys are pricey and are selling like hotcakes.  All it takes for an item to become the "in thing" is nostalgia! 

     When you are out and about and come across something that takes you back in time, consider bringing it home and start remembering times long past.  But then there is my huge collection of cow creamers! Not only does no one want them, I can't even pass them down to my daughters.  They have told me years ago that they have no room for them, to go ahead and dump 'em out.  Somewhere out there, there must be some misguided soul that likes cow creamers, lots of cow creamers.